Sara Sela Jewelry

Fern Leaf Hairpins

$22.00 - $42.00

Image of Fern Leaf Hairpins Image of Fern Leaf Hairpins Image of Fern Leaf Hairpins Image of Fern Leaf Hairpins Image of Fern Leaf Hairpins Image of Fern Leaf Hairpins Image of Fern Leaf Hairpins

Build your own gorgeous bouquet for your hair! These fern leaf hairpins are the perfect addition to the Flower Hairpins or just cluster the fern leaves for a simple and sophisticated look.
They all measure about 4 inches long from top to bottom and are available in a singular fern leaf or clustered with white freshwater pearl and leaf accent.

The hairpins are solid brass.

Ferns have many symbolic meanings across cultures and time.
Many indigenous people believe ferns represent new life and new beginning, the unfurling frond of a fern symbolizing a new life unfolding.
In Japan, ferns symbolize family and hope for future generations. Ferns are associated with resilience and endurance due to their ability to thrive in challenging conditions and to adapt to change.